Huckleberry Designs

Kim and I met on Instagram a few months ago when she got in touch with me after seeing another smith’s website I had created! She is a metalsmith and PNW adventure lover. Her aesthetic immediately resonated with me (and my constant desire to go vacation in a cabin in the woods with good wifi - I know, hard combo to find) so we decided to build a Shopify site! Kim had the most amazing active outdoorsy photos, from climbing to skiing, to hiking, to running, and everything in between! We paired them with alternating pieces of her jewelry for a captivating landing banner.

Next, we sprinkled in some of her favorite quotes throughout the site. We created linked collection lead-ins, and an About page lead-in on the homepage. Towards the bottom I added the cutest row of sweet animal art assets she had that I was so in love with, and finished it off with an Instagram link! In the footer we have all of her links, policies, and social blocks along with her copywrite and the standard #builtbybears signature.

huckleberry designs bear branded portfolio